Registration of Foreign Nationals in the Russian Federation
Notification of Arrival: Foreign nationals who stay in the Russian Federation temporarily must notify the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service within 7 working days from the day of arrival.
A foreigner cannot apply for registration with the Migration Service by him / herself. All registration procedures are carried out by the inviting party. Any Russian individual or organization can act as an inviting party.
It is the responsibility of the foreigners to register at the place where they are going to stay for the night. They are required to notify the territorial department of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) about their movements across the country, in particular between the regions. An exception is made for one-day long trips to other places.
The detachable part of the notification form must contain the mark of the territorial department of FMS or a mail service office which have received the completed form. The fact that a foreign national has the detachable part of the notification form bearing the mark of reception confirms his/her migration registration.
Violation of rules of migration registration shall entail administrative responsibility of a foreign national in the form of a penalty of up to RUR 7,000; further violation within one year shall result in the penalty accompanied with expulsion from the territory of the Russian Federation and ban on entry into the Russian Federation for the period of up to five years.