Embassy of India – Advisory

Embassy of India – Advisory

Embassy of India, Moscow (Russia)

Guidelines for Indian students studying in Russia (Moscow
09 March 2022)

The Embassy has been receiving messages from Indian students in universities in Russia seeking advice on their continued stay in the country.

2. The Embassy would like to reassure all students that at present we see no security reasons for them to leave. The Embassy is in regular contact with relevant authorities with respect to the safety and security of the Indian nationals, including students.

3. Certain disruption of banking services in Russia and direct flight connectivity from Russia to India is, however, taking place. If students have concerns regarding these aspects and would like to travel back to India, they may consider doing so.

4. Regarding the academic programs, the Embassy has been informed by a number of universities that they have already shifted to the online distance learning mode. Students are advised to exercise their discretion in consultation with their respective universities on the appropriate course of action regarding continuation of their academic activities without disruption.

 Information for prospective Indian medical students
  • Duration of undergraduate General Medicine program in Russia is six years. It comprises a total of twelve semesters, with two each in a year.
  • Students in Russian medical universities undergo clinical rotation/clerkship for twelve months or more during their course.
  • A number of Russian medical universities impart education in English. However, Indian students need to be proficient in Russian language to undergo practical training which includes interaction with patients who communicate in vernacular language.
  • The diploma awarded by Russian medical universities bear registration number of the competent Russian authority. Students need to clear accreditation examination conducted in Russian language after the final examination in order to be eligible to obtain certificate of license for medical practice in Russia.

Over 16,000 Indian students are currently enrolled in various medical institutions in the Russian Federation. Please note that Indian students who have studied MBBS from Russia are required to register with a State Medical Council(SMC) in order to practice in India after completion of their medical education. The SMC can register a student with foreign medical qualification only after the student passes in the National Exit Test (NEXT) conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE).

2. In order to appear at NEXT, a candidate should qualify National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) before taking admission to a medical course in a foreign institution. This is applicable to all Indian students who have taken admission in the year 2019 onwards.


(a) Indian students seeking admission in foreign medical institutions are required to qualify National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). It is mandatory for all their certificates and mark sheets to be apostled. Apostling of certificate is done at Patiala House, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.

(b) While it is possible, in principle, for students to apply directly for admission, most Russian medical institutions have appointed “contractors” for recruiting students from different countries and insist on using this channel for admission. Please note that there are no recognized education contractors/consultants by the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation. Universities prefer to work through contractors for provision of hostel facilities, general welfare of the students and even collecting fee. This is ostensibly for the convenience of the students, who are new to the environment and do not speak the local language. These contractors have their sub agents in India. In many cases, senior Indian students themselves function as contractors and agents.

(c) Prospective Indian students must ensure that they have been given full and correct information about the university including tuition and other fees/facilities, curriculum of the course, language of instructions/teaching, availability of hostel facilities, monthly living expenses. A copy of the Indian MBBS curriculum as per Graduate Medical Regulation may be obtained by students so that they can compare the same in the context of their training at the Russian medical institution.

(d) It has come to notice that Russian medical institutions were conducting admission tests after the students came to Russia and in some instances students have been denied admission for reasons including lack of proper documentation and late arrival, even after issuance of visa to them. 

Rules & Regulations of Russian Medical Institutions

The Education Wing frequently gets complaints regarding expulsion of Indian students from Russian medical universities for failing to obtain requisite marks, clearing examination, non-payment of fees, lack of attendance and contacting infectious diseases like tuberculosis. Instances of students being expelled due to disciplinary problems have also been reported. These expulsion rules are very stringently observed and often the students are expelled midway in their medical study. It is also not possible to obtain financial hardship or education loan in Russia and in some cases when students are unable to pay fees due to domestic problems, they are expelled and have to leave the country.

Payment of Fee

While contractors/consultants collect the fee from students for the first semester on their arrival in Russia, it is advisable to pay the fee directly to the university from subsequent semester. There are number of complaints of contractors collecting money, but not depositing it with the university which has led to termination of enrollment. Most Russian universities do not accept cheques or drafts and therefore, money has to be deposited in cash in the bank. If the students bring cash in dollar or any other foreign currency, it is advisable to get it declared in the customs at the airport on arrival which makes it easier for depositing the money into their accounts. Russian institutes generally do not refund fees once deposited even if a student has to leave the institute.


Russian Immigration laws are stringent and Indian students traveling on damaged passports are frequently turned back from the airport.

Passport and original certificates are the properties of concerned students and should not be given to either contractors/consultants or foreign authorities for safe custody. No one has the authority to confiscate passports and students must always keep their passports in their possession. Police officials often demand to see the passport, visa and registration. Some students have to leave the country for failing to register within the stipulated period of three days. The university concerned or contractor/consultant generally takes care of the registration process of foreign students.

It has been brought to our notice that Indian students traveling on damaged/tampered/torn passports are stopped by the Immigration officials at the airports in Russia.

To circumvent the aforesaid situation, it is requested that all Indian students studying in your universities may be advised to immediately apply for new passports in case their existing passports are damaged/torn to avoid any such incidents. Students may ensure that their all travel documents are intact and in order before commencement of journey outside/into Russian territory.

Embassy of India, Astana, (Kazakhstan)

Information for Indian Students studying/willing to study in Kazakhstan

(i) Registration

Approximately 7000 Indian students are currently enrolled in various medical universities/institutions of Kazakhstan. Medical universities of Kazakhstan follows NMC’s guidelines which were published in the gazette of November, 2021 i.e. 5 year’s study and 1 year’s internship. However, aspirant students from India are advised to re-verify this from the particular university chosen by them to pursue their study. They should also verify that the university selected for study is also registered with WHO. Students should mentally be prepared to learn Kazakh or Russian language which will be required during their 1 years’ internship period.

According to the Order No.647 dated 31st July, 2015 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Students enrolled before 2023 would continue their education as:

  • The term of study in the specialties of “General Medicine”, “Dentistry” and “Pediatrics” – 5 years
  • The term of study as interns under the program of higher specialized medical education in the areas of “General Medical Practice” and “Pediatrics” is 2 years
  • The term of study as interns under the program of higher specialized medical education in the area of “Dentistry” is 1 year

Additionally, in accordance with order No.DSM-63 dated 4th July, 2022 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, following will be included in the program of continuous integrated education from 2023:

  • At least 360 academic credits (6 years) in “Medicine”, “Pediatrics” educational programs;
  • At least 300 academic credits (5 years) in “Dentistry” educational program;

After completing their education, Indian students are eligible to appear in the examination conducted in three languages (Kazakh, Russian & English) by the National Centre of Independent Testing for getting licence to practice as a doctor in Kazakhstan like other Kazakh students. Practicing/working in Kazakhstan is subject to the labor and immigration laws of Kazakhstan.

If students have plan to go for USMLE or PLAB etc. after finishing their study in Kazakhstan, they are advised to check the requirements of the respective country for USMLE or PLAB etc. where they intend to go for higher studies. Also, students must ensure that the Kazakh medical university fulfills the requirements needed for USFMG, USMLE or PLAB etc. in respect of the country chosen by them for their future studies.

(i) Mandatory to Qualify NEET to Pursue Foreign Medical Course

According to Ministry of health & Family Welfare, GOI, it is mandatory to qualify National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) to pursue medical course in foreign country. Thus, the Indian Citizens intending to obtain primary medical qualification from any medical institution outside India, on or after May 2018, shall have to qualify the NEET for admission to MBBS course abroad. The result of NEET shall be deemed to be treated as the Eligibility Certificate for such persons, provided that such persons fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course prescribed in the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997.

(ii) Admission Process in Kazakhstan medical institutions

Medical institutions have appointed ‘contractors’ for recruiting students and insist on using this channel for admission. The universities prefer to work through the ‘contractors’ for provision of hostel facilities, general welfare of the students, and even collecting fee. This is ostensibly for the convenience of students, who are new to the environment and do not speak the local language. These ‘contractors’ have their sub-agents in India. In many cases, senior Indian students themselves function as contractors and agents.

(iii) Reliability of ‘contractors’ as source of information and facilitation

Contractors can make false promises and give false/misleading information. It is, therefore, in the interest of prospective students to do inquiries from the medical institutions directly about the courses/facilities available.

(iv) English Medium

Medical colleges in Kazakhstan have separate department that teaches foreign students in English medium. Medical Universities in Kazakhstan use simulators, mannequins for conducting practical training.

(v) Payment of Fee

While ‘contractors’ collect the fee from students, it is advisable to pay the fee directly to the University. Where the fee is paid through the ‘contractor’, students must insist, as and when fee is paid, for a proper receipt issued by the university to ensure that their fee has been deposited with the university.

(vi) Hostel facilities

Students must check in advance if the hostel facilities are available or not at the university. Recently, many Indian students pursuing medicine at the Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty have been denied hostel facilities by the university and asked to look for alternate accommodation on their own. This has put the affected students under severe hardship.

Contact details :

I. Contact details of the officer in the Embassy/Consulate handling student related matters.

Shri Vijay Singh,

Second Secretary (Edu)&HOC

Email :

Telephone : +7 7172 925700

IV. Travel Advisory

Indian students are required to get themselves registered with local migration police within five calendar days of their first arrival in the country, every time they visit Kazakhstan. It may be noted that even if the registration is delayed by one day, the immigration authorities may detain or penalize the Indian student.

Currency of Kazakhstan (Tenge) and foreign currency cash – equivalent to up to 3,000 US Dollars is allowed to be carried without written declarations. If students bring cash in dollars or any other acceptable foreign currency which is more than US$ 3000 equivalent, it is advisable to get it declared in the customs.

Embassy of India, Yerevan, (Armenia, Georgia)

15 September 2022)


Embassy of India Yerevan


In response to the various queries received from Indian students, aspiring for medical studies in Georgia, the following are the few answers provided by the Georgian authorities, for information of all concerned:

  1. What is the duration of the Undergraduate Medical (MD) Program in Georgia for Indian students?

Ans: Following national regulations for programs in medicine and Medical Sector Benchmarks, which is mandatory to be fulfilled in order to get state accreditation, the duration of undergraduate MD programs in Georgia is 6 years.

  1. What is the duration of Internship/Clinical rotations in the medical course (MD)?

Ans: Up to 3rd course, the students take pre-clinical subjects, acquire clinical skills in simulation centers. Starting from the 4th course, MD students start mandatory clinical rotations. Usually, the 5th and 6th semesters are almost entirely dedicated to such rotations in clinical setting, amounting to roughly 120 ECTS on the span of the last 4 semesters.

  1. Do medical universities in Georgia provide internships in the same medical university hospitals and Indian Students (MD students) allowed to do internship in Georgia?

Ans: Some of the HEIs do have their own university clinics in Georgia, and those who do not own the clinic/hospital, usually sign the MoUs with several clinics. Such agreements shall indicate the medical directions to be served, number of students to enroll on traineeship, duration of internship, etc. All in all, HEIs provide internships/rotations either at their own or affiliated clinics. Indian students and other foreign nationals have the same right as Georgians to take these clinical courses following and fulfilling the general curriculum of the program. If they wish to undergo extra clinical activities/internships at various clinics, this can be facilitated in agreement with the HEI and clinics themselves and it always helps if the students know the local language in order to communicate with the patients. Most of the MD programs do offer the Georgian language courses within their study plan.

  1. Are Indian medical students allowed to touch the patients and practice during the internship/clinical rotations?

Ans: Students in Georgia, regardless of their nationality, are allowed to touch and physically examine the patients under the supervision of their instructor and by the consent of the patient;

  • Does an Indian (MD) student get registered under any professional regulatory body or otherwise under any institution that is competent to grant a license at par to the citizens of Georgia?

Ans:. MD students, regardless of their nationality, do not get registered under any regulatory body, as they are not allowed to perform any independent medical practice. Once they finish with the program, students usually take a national post-diploma qualification exam, which allows the graduates to continue with postgraduate studies/residency at the clinics/hospitals that are accredited by the Ministry of Health to provide such residency programs (in specialized fields of medicine). The national post-diploma qualification exam for MD graduates is administered by the Medical and Pharmaceutical Regulation Agency, operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Health. The test is in Georgian and there is no specific rule that prohibits Indian students to take it.

  • Does an Indian (MD) student allowed to get a license to practice in Georgia as a medical practitioner? If yes, what is the process?

Ans.: That an Indian student completes the MD program, passes the PDQE successfully, gets on the track of specialized residency program and accomplishes the residency successfully, they are allowed to pursue a job in the medical/clinical sphere locally and run independent practice with the limits of law.



15 September 2022



It has come to the notice of the Embassy that some unscrupulous agents
are bringing Indian Students, who were earlier studying in certain foreign
Medical Universities, on the false promise of getting admission in Armenian
Medical Universities as transfer students. After arrival in Armenia, their
documents are being rejected as their documents / transcripts are not apostilled
by the concerned Ministry of Foreign Affairs / authorized Ministry or tempered
photocopies of documents / transcripts have been submitted.
The students seeking admission / transfer from other Universities to the
Universities in Armenia should carefully note that the transfer documents / No
Objection Certificate / Transcripts from the previous University required to be
apostilled by the concerned Ministry of Foreign Affairs or any other Ministry
authorized in the Country before submission to the Universities in Armenia.
Embassy of India in Yerevan do not apostille or attest such documents.

Advisory for Indian nationals in Armenia (19 September, 2022)

In view of recent fighting along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, the Indian nationals are advised to avoid travel outside the main cities of Armenia, particularly the following locations may be avoided:
 Gegharkunik region east of Lake Sevan
 Gegharkunik region south of Lake Sevan
 Vayots Dzor region
 Syunik region
The Embassy can be contacted for any assistance/information at emergency mobile number: +374 – 55009118.

Advisory for Indian Students seeking admission in St. Tereza University, Yerevan (Armenia)

This Embassy has received numerous complaints from the existing Indian students who are studying in Medical University named after St. Tereza in Yerevan (Armenia). The complaints range from lack of proper studies, infrastructure, qualified faculty members etc to allegations of corruption, denial of degrees on completion of studies on various grounds and extortion of money on various grounds.

The Embassy has also come to know of the operation of some unscrupulous agents working in tandem with the said University issuing fake admission letters and indulging in various forms of cheating with Indian students. It has also come to notice of the Embassy that University’s medical courses accreditation has not been renewed by the Ministry of Education of Armenia. It is also revealed that University is not keeping proper academic records of Indian Students.
In view of the above, fresh Indian students are advised to take precautions and do due diligence before taking admission in this University.

Embassy of India, Manila, Philippines

Education in Philippines (Advisories for Indian Medical Students)


General Guidelines  1. Policies, standards and guidelines regarding the Doctor of Medicine(MD) course (primary medical education course in the Philippines) are available at :
2. To know about the recognised medical colleges in the Philippines please visit the website of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). CHED is the Philippine government agency responsible for formulating plans, policies and strategies relating to higher education in the Philippines. 
3. All students seeking admission to the MD course in the Philippines are requested to take note of all the admission requirements. A Bachelor Degree and successfully clearing the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) is a must for enrolment in the MD course in the Philippines. A (10+2) Indian student seeking admission to the MD course needs to complete the Bachelors degree to be eligible for enrolment.
A student planning to also pursue the pre-medical Bachelor degree (BS, BA, etc.) in the Philippines (before pursuing MD) is requested to ensure that the Bachelor degree course is also accredited by CHED, the content of the course meets the eligibility requirements of the MD course and that the duration of the course is in accordance with the guidelines issued by CHED and the basic education system being currently implemented in the Philippines. 
4.  Once admission is confirmed, students should ensure that fees are directly remitted to the concerned medical college and that an official receipt is issued after the payment. 
5. Students are requested to refer to the latest guidelines issued by CHED and the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India before confirming their admission. 
6. Graduating students may kindly take note of the following advisory r egarding legalisation/attestation of degree documents apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines :

Important Advisory for Indian Students regarding Medical Education in the Philippines

The Policies, standards and guidelines regarding the Doctor of Medicine(MD) course (primary medical education course in the Philippines) are available at :!.pdf
In addition to the advisory below, students seeking to pursue pre-medical Bachelor (BS, BA, etc) course as well as MD course are required to first confirm that the course is accredited by CHED.  The content and duration of the Bachelor degree course should be in accordance to the current CHED guidelines and the basic education system being currently implemented in the Philippines. 

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