Stay of Foreign Nationals in the Russian Federation on a Student Visa

Stay of Foreign Nationals in the Russian Federation on a Student Visa

In order to obtain initial migration registration, foreign nationals residing in the University’s residence halls are required, within 24 hours of their arrival (weekends and holidays exempt), to submit to the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU the following documents:

  • passport;
  • entry visa issued on CFU’s invitation;
  • migration card.

The period of migration registration is determined in accordance with the visa validity period.

Applying for a Multiple-Entry Visa

No less than 30 days prior to the expiry of the period of stay specified for the initial registration with the Migration Service in accordance with the visa validity period, foreign nationals are required to submit to the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU the following documents:

  • passport;
  • migration card;
  • copy of the student contract;
  • copy of the enrollment order (for the first-year students);
  • current enrollment verification certificate issued by the related University department (for undergraduate students);
  • valid health insurance certificate;
  • receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of RUR 1,600;
  • 6 3×4 matte photos.

Multiple-entry visas are issued for the entire period of studies but for no longer than one year.

Upon obtaining a multiple-entry visa, a foreign national registers with the Federal Migration Service for the visa validity period.

Extending Your Visa

To extend or renew multiple entry visas, foreign nationals are required to submit, no less than 30 days prior to their previous visa expiry, to the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU the following documents:

  • passport;
  • migration card;
  • copy of the student contract;
  • copy of the enrollment order (for the first year students);
  • current enrollment verification certificate issued by the related University department (for undergraduate students);
  • valid health insurance certificate;
  • receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of RUR 1,600;
  • photos (as required).

Change of Place of Residence Subsequent to Registration

In case of any changes in place of residence, including within CFU’s residence halls, foreign nationals are required to notify, within two days, Passport and Visa Service of CFU and register with the Federal Migration Service at their new place of residence.

Change in the Migration Status

Should a temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit, or citizenship of the Russian Federation be granted to a foreign national, he/she must then notify, within 24 hours, the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU and submit the related documents.

The University monitors all matters related to changes in the migration status of CFU students. 

Passport Validity Period

A foreign national whose passport has expired or is about to expire must leave the Russian Federation or, in a timely manner, extend or renew his/her passport, notifying the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU thereof. Upon extending the validity of his/her passport or obtaining a new passport, a foreign national must submit it to the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU for visa renewal (or extension), migration registration and amendment of related documents.

A multiple-entry student visa shall be issued or extended and migration registration shall be granted only upon submission by the applicant of his/her valid passport.

Loss of Documents

Foreign nationals who lose their documents (e.g., passport, visa, migration card) must immediately inform the local police department nearest to the place where the loss occurred or was discovered to obtain an incident verification form, and report the loss to the International Students Centre of a structural unit of CFU.

De-registration with the State Migration Service

A foreign national is de-registered with the State Migration Service upon submitting to the territorial department of the Federal Migration Service in the Republic of Crimea a notification of graduation from the programme of studies (in the event of a dismissal from the programme of studies – within 3 days of the date of the related student dismissal order), or upon obtaining migration registration at a new place of residence in the Russian Federation (hotel, medical treatment institution, etc.)

End of the Academic Programme

After graduation from the programme of studies or dismissal from the University, a foreign national must leave the Russian Federation within the time frame established by law. It is advisable to purchase tickets in advance. The extension of the period of stay for any reasons that are not related to education or not expressly stipulated by law is not permitted.

Healthcare for Foreign Nationals

Foreign nationals receive medical treatment through their individual health insurance purchased by them at their own expense.

Labour Activity

The right to exercise a labour activity is subject to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Liability of Foreign Nationals

Foreign nationals will be liable to prosecution for committing any criminal, administrative or other offences in the Russian Federation on the same basis as the nationals of the Russian Federation.

Any violation of rules and regulations governing the stay of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation shall result in the enforcement actions, ranging from fines to administrative expulsion or deportation, as provided for by applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

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